Jen Rolwich

Head of Coach Education

“I’d like to have my own business one day… but that’s at least 10 years away.”

Wrong. That was just 18 months ago.

Turns out… things move fast in the fitness industry when you find your calling.

Jen built a career as a consultant. She was deployed as a specialist in leadership development, working in some of the biggest, most complex, demanding teams in the UK.

She is a professional, qualified, accredited coach.

…Complete with all the post-graduate degrees to prove it!

Jen’s mission is to make an impact on the lives of others. The most effective way she can do that is to work closely with the best health and fitness professionals in the world.

You know as well as I do - helping someone to create change is far more complicated than just telling them what to do. If you’ve tried that before, you’ll be very aware of the “success rate”.

Safe to say: Person focused coaching is an art and a skill.

Having Jen inside the HPC doesn’t just make us all better coaches. It allows every single one of our clients and prospects to feel heard, seen, and understood on the deepest level. That’s the only way for profound change to take place.

For a coach that cares about impacting people’s lives for the better, this is the most critical element of your service. We’re incredibly fortunate to be able to bring her expertise into the HPC.

Our North star is “get the person thriving, and everything else will follow” - and that goes for your clients too. Jen is mission-critical for this objective.


My friends call me Bits, and ever since I got married we’ve become Mr and Mrs Bits. I’ve yet to receive a card with my actual name on it.

Chilling out?

Bingo, no questions asked. I am a pensioner in a 30 year olds body and bingo is where I get my kicks on a Saturday night. Playing The Sims is a close second.

Favourite Book

Oh tough one. For a work/coaching book it’s got to be Time to Think by Nancy Kline. For personal/fiction it’s Lanark by Alasdair Gray.

Least favourite exercise

The only correct answer is obviously burpees. An exercise not designed with women in mind with that chest to floor nonsense.

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